Protection, lubricity and durability

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Renowned specialist company for electroplating technology

The sub­si­dia­ry R. Spitz­ke Ober­flä­chen- und Gal­va­no­tech­nik GmbH & Co. KG, a renow­ned spe­cia­list com­pa­ny belongs to the group of companies.

The focus is on func­tion­al elec­tro­pla­ting, with the aim of offe­ring cus­to­mers cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons. The ran­ge of ser­vices includes various coa­ting pro­ces­ses such as hard chro­me, elec­trol­ess nickel and various spe­cial coa­tings. Che­mi­cal pro­ces­ses such as pick­ling and pas­si­v­a­ti­on of stain­less steels and che­mi­cal debur­ring are also part of the pro­duct range.

We have appr­ovals for the hard chro­me, elec­trol­ess nickel and pas­si­v­a­ti­on pro­ces­ses for various com­pa­nies in the avia­ti­on indus­try (e.g. Air­bus, Luft­han­sa Technik).

If you would like to find out more about the ran­ge of ser­vices offe­red by R. Spitz­ke, click here:

Get in touch with us

Cont­act us today and expe­ri­ence how we make the dif­fe­rence with our advice. Tog­e­ther we will find the opti­mum solu­ti­ons for your requirements.

We look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

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